If you’re considering an upgrade to your smile, implants and veneers are both excellent choices. However, it can be difficult to tell the difference between veneers and implants. There are a variety of features to consider when thinking about implants and veneers, including the look, cost, and function. Here’s everything you need to know about veneers and implants.

Cosmetic Appearance

Both options can be an effective way to improve the cosmetic look of your smile. Veneers cover the front portion of the tooth, and can be shaped and colored to match the other teeth in your mouth. Made from either composite resin or porcelain, they’re able to last 10 years with the right care.

Implants can also be shaped and colored to match the rest of your teeth. However, unlike veneers, an implant replaces the entire tooth. They are typically made from ceramics and can last 10-15 years. In either case, implants and veneers are generally indistinguishable from the rest of your smile.

Cost of Veneers and Implants

The cost of your smile makeover treatment can vary based on your needs. However, veneers tend to run from $1,300 or more depending on lab and dental fees. Implants tend to run at the higher end of this price range.  Implants themselves can cost up to $2,000 with follow up treatments can add up to another $2,400. That’s because they require a more invasive installation process. Your total cost for veneers and implants can also vary based on the number of appliances you’ll need for your smile – for example, veneers are often used in full sets versus implants which can replace a single tooth or more.

Practical Functionality

Veneers are used to solve a variety of problems, including broken, crooked or uneven teeth. A veneer can also help cover discolored or stained teeth. Overall, they create the appearance of a complete, radiant smile if your teeth are otherwise in good health and function.

Since the entire tooth is replaced with an implant, these types of tooth replacements typically result from the loss or damage of a tooth. Dentists will typically recommend an implant if you have lost a tooth from gum disease or an accident. They also may recommend implants for cracked, broken, or worn down teeth. Implants may offer a longer-term solution than simply getting the tooth repaired. In short, implants offer more reconstructive benefit than cosmetic, but they can still be an effective way to fill in gaps in your smile.

What is the Process Like For Veneers and Implants?

Veneers are generally a simpler process than implants. After a quick consult, your dentist will take a mold of your teeth so the veneers can be fabricated. Next, your dentist will carefully remove some enamel from the teeth so that the veneers can adhere properly. Then, the veneers are fitted in place. Overall, the process is quick, painless, and low-hassle.

The process of implants is slightly more extensive than veneers. Firstly, any damage is removed and the implant is attached to your jawbone. Depending on how long you’ve been missing teeth, you may need a bone graft beforehand. This can take up to 6 months while your body accepts the grafts and incorporates the healthy tissue. Next, your dentist takes a mold of your teeth to create the fabricated tooth. Finally, the tooth is affixed to the implant to complete your smile. Implants generally require many appointments over the course of weeks and months, so it can be a longer (but more permanent) process.

Schedule an Appointment

The best way to learn more about the right cosmetic and restorative treatment options for you is by meeting with your dentist. To get started, contact Beauty and the Teeth by calling or filling out our online form.

Book Now

To schedule a comprehensive dental exam with Dr. Tadros, call Beauty and the Teeth Dental in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida at (954) 519-7465. If you prefer, you can also contact us online or book an appointment directly. Dr. Tadros also services patients from Lauderdale by the Sea, Oakland Park, and Pompano Beach.

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